Android Studio Emulator

published on 2020-03-27

Set up Android Studio

  • Install Android Studio] 3.0+
    1. After android studio is installed, open it. You will see the user interface.
    2. Click the bottom right configure -> SDK Manager
    3. Choose Android SDK, then click on the SDK Tools tab and make sure the Android SDK Build-Tools is installed.
  1. Remember or copy the path in the box (Android SDK Location:).

Set up a virtual device

  1. Enter Android Studio main screen, Cick the bottom right configure -> AVD Manager
  2. Click Create Virtual Device
  3. Select the type of hardware you want to emulate.
  4. Select an operation system to load on the emulator. You can download one of the system images.
  5. Press Finish to create the virtual device. You can run the device anytime by Play button in the AVDManager winodw.

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